Join the expert team from Ohio Division of Natural Resources' Division of Forestry for a seminar on January 22 from 9am-3pm on how to create an arboretum in your community. We will cover the overall ArbNet accreditation process, and then with lectures and activities, dive deeper into the required criteria to gain a better understanding of the subjects. By the end of the seminar you will be prepared to apply to ArbNet and get your park, cemetery, or garden accredited as a Level 1 arboretum. To learn more about the subjects and presenters take a look at the agenda: 

9:00am Registration and coffee

9:15am Introductions

9:30am Importance of arboreta and ArbNet levels of Accreditation. – Sue Paist (Zoom)


Example of Arboreta in Central Ohio

10:00am Introduction and Tour of The OSU Chadwick Arboretum North- Laura Deeter

10:45 Break


ArbNet Level 1 Arboretum Criteria Classes

11:00am Writing an Arboretum Plan – Alistair Reynolds & Greg Payton

11:45am Tree Collection & Inventory -Jason Veil

12:30am Lunch

1:30pm Tree Taxonomy & Labeling for Signage - Greg Payton & Laura Deeter

2:15pm Volunteers & Programming - Julia Wilson

3:00pm Conclude & Scheduling with your Urban Forester




Alistair Reynolds – ODNR Division of Forestry Regional Urban Forester

Laura Deeter – Director of the OSU Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens

Julia Wilson – Program Coordinator OSU Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens

Greg Payton - Director of Living Collections at The Dawes Arboretum

Jason Veil – Curator OSU Secrest Arboretum

Sue Paist – ArbNet Coordinator Morton Arboretum