Over 50 juried artists and crafters will be featured in the third annual Secrest Garden Fair. The free event will be held Saturday, June 8, 2024, from 9 am-4 pm at Secrest Arboretum, 2122 Williams Rd., Wooster, Ohio.
Along with awesome garden-themed arts and crafts, the event will include activities for kids, a plant sale, and local food trucks. Free workshops will be held inside the Secrest Welcome Center. Master Gardener Volunteers will lead tours of the Arboretum and give insider information about the expansive 110-acre outdoor laboratory, which includes the landscape gardens and over 2,500 varieties of perennials, shrubs, and trees.
The highlight of the event is, of course, the craft show. Artists and crafters will line the paved pathway through the arboretum showcasing their handmade wreaths, jewelry, pottery, signs, garden art, and much more. Bird baths, wooden flags, chimes, natural soap, vintage garden décor . . . There will be so much to see!Volunteers will be needed to help with a myriad of tasks: parking, set up and tear down, leading tours, assisting with children’s activities, and helping with the plant sale and raffle. SignUpGenius will be emailed closer to the event, so be sure to save the date. Contact Merry Gentry at merryroyd@yahoo.com or visit www.friendsofsecrest.com/garden-fair for more information.