Karen Edgington—Walking Among Plants

Secrest Arboretum holds a special place in the hearts of many people. Their reasons are varied —a great place for birding, an excellent place to view beautiful plants and the changing seasons, a refuge from the busy world, or a place for human and canine exercise. At its core, Secrest is an experiment with Mother Nature. Its research plots, shade and evergreen trees, and evolving display gardens reflect what the capricious Ohio environment will allow to prosper. This plant laboratory has for many years attracted Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) Karen Edgington, as she participates in and supports Secrest’s educational opportunities.

Karen reflects, “My love of gardening has shaped my life. When IKaren Edginton need to quiet my soul or work through a challenge, I go out in the garden or go to Secrest to walk among the plants. That’s where things make better sense.” Her love of plants was inspired by her mother, who grew vegetables and annuals from seeds on the family’s two-acre property along the Cass River in Frankenmuth, Michigan. Like her highly organized mother, Karen starts many plants from seed and learns all she can about plants and best practice gardening methods.

After graduating with a degree in psychology from “. . . that superior school in Ann Arbor,” Karen moved to California to work as an administrative assistant. There she met husband, Mike, who has since “dug thousands of planting holes” for her. As Mike transferred or changed jobs, Karen experienced gardening in many challenging environments—San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Dallas, and Ohio. After relocating to Denver in 1983, Karen enrolled in a MGV training program, beginning a productive 41 years as an MGV.

In Ohio, the Edgington family settled in Summit County. There Karen met OSU Educator Denise Ellsworth. Under Denise’s leadership, the Summit County MGVs used Secrest Arboretum in Wayne County as a living classroom with campus horticultural experts as their teachers. A lifelong seeker of plant knowledge, Karen honed in on their instruction. Admiring Denise’s approach to people and plants, Karen became Denise’s volunteer assistant, helping to organize her programs and workshops.

Karen, who always seeks practical solutions, spent “many years with the Summit MGV group developing and working to provide quality MGV education.” When Secrest Arboretum suffered extensive tornado damage in 2010, Karen went to the Summit MGV Board of Directors with a proposal to organize surrounding MGV groups to help with restoration. The Board gave permission and some funding to organize workdays at Secrest. She states, “We advertised to Master Gardeners state-wide, and it became a marvelous effort by many people. We continued to have annual workdays until Secrest organized its own MGV group [in 2016].”

During the COVID pandemic, Karen served on a Summit County MGV Committee that sought ways “to stay relevant during the isolation.” Karen suggested creating a newsletter for “the general public, avid gardener or not.” With that, The Root of It was born with Karen serving as editor. For five years, this excellent, highly appreciated monthly publication has continued to entertain its readers with research-based information while encouraging them to “go outdoors and focus on the natural world.” To sample this exceptional publication, go to summitmastergardeners.org.

Two years ago, Karen and Mike moved to Wooster to assist with daughter Hilary’s young twins. Secrest Arboretum has benefitted from this move. Karen is now a member of the Secrest MGV group. She serves on the Secrest newsletter staff, offering editorial expertise, and serves on the MGV program committee planning the 2025 Ohio Master Gardener Conference at Secrest Arboretum. She also volunteers at the Plant Discovery Day plant sales and The Secrest Garden Fair. In addition, she serves as an at-large member on the Friends of Secrest Board of Directors.

Operations Manager and Master Gardener Coordinator Paul Snyder recognizes this, commenting, “I have known Karen since I started at Secrest in 2010. When I found out she was moving to Wooster and wanted to join the Secrest MGV I was excited. Karen is a highly organized leader, someone always willing to lend a hand. Moreover, her ability to think through all aspects of a project and see the project through its execution is extremely valuable. She is constantly learning and is humble in sharing her vast knowledge of horticulture.”

Never idle, Karen continues to research new topics and learn about new plant cultivars. As you walk the paths of Secrest Arboretum, don’t be surprised to find this energetic plant geek among those enjoying the beautiful landscape of this special Ohio spot!

—Pat Warner, Master Gardener Volunteer