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  1. Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition

    NEW! Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition The Ohio Agronomy Guide (472HO) serves as the official ...

  2. Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition (PDF)

    NEW! Ohio Agronomy Guide, 16th Edition (PDF) The newly revised Ohio Agronomy Guide (e472HO) serves ...

  3. Become an Event Sponsor

    “CEA Leafy Crops Event” Sponsorship Opportunities The inaugural CEA Leafy Crops event offers ... appear on the event webpage and other event promotional materials. Complimentary Registration: Enjoy one ... complimentary in-person registration/seat for the event. Discounted Registration: As a sponsor, you are eligible ...

  4. Wheat Planting When The Soil Is Dry

    past three years, we evaluated wheat planting date with funding from Ohio Corn and Wheat. Wheat yield ... was greatest when we planted between the county’s Hessian fly-safe date and about 2.5 weeks after the ... fly-safe date (Figure 1). Wheat yield declined when wheat was planted 3 to 5 weeks after the fly-safe date ...

  5. Celebrate National Nematode Day and Collect a Soil Sample for SCN Testing Introducing the SCN Profit Checker Additionally, The SCN Coalition has launched a powerful new ...

  6. Behind the Scenes with Joe Arthur

    or deadheading throughout the winding paths of the Secrest gardens, or perhaps some will be guiding tours of the ... hearing about the new Master Gardener Volunteer class at Secrest, Joe thought it seemed a good opportunity ... Visiting Secrest Arboretum, you may encounter Secrest Master Gardener Volunteers (MGVs) working in ...

  7. 4-H Spark Expo

    valuable skills, make new friends, and fuel individual growth.  a first glimpse of the premiere college and ... year Willing to experience in-depth action learning in specific interest areas Be eager to share new ...

  8. P&T Open Office Hours

    These office hours are for faculty who intend to apply for promotion in 2025. This event, is for ...

  9. USDA to Host SLF Research and Technology Development Meeting – Oct. 16-17

    Oct. 16-17 in Wooster. The two-day event will provide opportunities to report out and share results of ...

  10. P&T Open Office Hours

    These office hours are for faculty who intend to apply for promotion in 2025. This event, is for ...
