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  1. Winter Grafting Workshop

    take grafted plants home to nurture. Pre-registration required. General grafting techniques will be ...

  2. Starting A Food Business Webinar Series

    registration is necessary.  Find details and the registration link at ...

  3. Club Leaders

    Resources for club project leaders 2023 Volunteer Kickoff PowerPoint Slides (PDF) Video Recording ...

  4. Fruit Pruning School

    Learn proven pruning techniques to help maximize production and quality in your fruit plantings ... March. The Fruit Pruning School workshop will be held from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 12. ... OSU South Centers, and Research Assistant Ryan Slaughter. Gao, who has hosted pruning workshops at ...

  5. "Blast Off!" Active Parenting Virtual Classes

    materials fee and pre-registration is required and you will have access to all 4 workshops. Those who ...

  6. Look Out! It Is Skunk Season! The 3 basic household ingredients work wonders to reduce the smell and they are:  1 quart of 3% ...

  7. Machine learning helps determine health of soybean fields

    Ohio State,   used an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), or a drone, to take aerial images of five soybean ... fields in Ohio. After cropping each UAV image into smaller images, the team eventually had more than ... Foundation. After manually sifting through the collected images, researchers found that about 67,000 of them ...

  8. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    OSU Extension Fairfield County will sponsor a hands-on Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop with Ralph ... and pruning techniques for apple and peach trees. Pruning shears will be provided. Participants will ... be able to learn pruning techniques and get all of their questions related to fruit tree growing and ...

  9. About the VP- Dean Cathann Kress

    _self Image Slide Gray Marquee ...

  10. OSU Income Tax School Hartville

    21st and save $50 on registration! ...
