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Search results

  1. Program Development and Evaluation seeks to hire a new team member!

    PDE is currently searching for a new team member to fill the role of Program Evaluation ... qualitative data collection methods and analyses (e.g., needs assessment, focus groups) in conjunction with ...

  2. SAMMIE module topics

    establishing criteria for judging the success of your program. Ethical Issues Whenever data is collected from ... current participants and if it is likely to be successful for future participants. Data Collection and ... Analysis Strategies Learn about your options in terms of how to collect needed information and how to make ...

  3. Instructions

    volunteer to proceed to distribute and collect forms. Give participants at least ten (10) minutes to ... complete the instrument. Have the volunteer collect, place in envelope, seal, and mail the completed EEET ...

  4. EEET Reports

    / programs / workshops for which an OSU Extension program faculty or staff member has collected EEETs, upon ... staff members for all county-based program faculty and staff who have collected EEET forms during that ...

  5. Debby Lewis, PhD

    assessments, sampling, survey development, and data collection and analysis. Provide training and support for ... in research and evaluation design, instrumentation, data collection, analysis, interpretation, and ...

  6. Suzanna Windon, PhD

    use marketing research. Analyze the results of empirical data collection procedures, assessment ...

  7. DEADLINE: 2014 EEETs must be submitted to PDE

    SEALED ENVELOPES!!!!  Remember that you should have either a colleague or event participant collect and ... HAND by PDE staff; data entry takes time.  If you volunteered to collect forms for a colleague, please ...

  8. Introduction / Background

    been collected since 1991.  A database exists which allows comparisons on nine teaching effectiveness ...

  9. Competency Model

    OSU Extension Competency A competency is “a collection of related knowledge, skills, abilities, and ...

  10. Getting Started

    step 8 below. SKIP or say "NO THANKS" to the journal article search AND Researcher ID ...
