
Search results

  1. Celebrate National Nematode Day and Collect a Soil Sample for SCN Testing

    The SCN Coalition, is excited to announce the celebration of the second  National Nematode Day on October 1, 2024, sponsored by BASF, Bayer and Syngenta. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the impact and threat that plant parasitic nematodes ...

  2. Manure Application to Parched Soil

    normal manure spreading pattern. Collect the tarp and weigh it with the manure collected. Each pound of ... manure collected is equal to one ton applied per acre. If you collected 10 pounds, your manure ...

  3. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 23- Interview with Tom Fontana from Ohio Soybean Council

    decisions on how the checkoff dollars are being spent. The money collected in Ohio goes to research, ...

  4. Ohio Soybean Growers: Submit Your Sudden Death Syndrome Samples

    the fungicide sensitivity of isolates in our culture collection. 3. Confirm whether the symptoms point ...

  5. Fall Forage Management

    will help increase your accuracy. At a minimum, you should be collecting 15 cores for every 25 ...

  6. Insect Collecting

    This how-to resource guides you through collecting insects, what to pin and what to point, ... spreading butterflies, and displays. ©2021. 1727728994 ...

  7. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: Projection for the Weeks of July 21 and 29

    field within that area. Based on weather data collected from CFAES weather stations located in Ashtabula ... As more data are collected, models will be developed to predict the risk of higher levels of ...

  8. 2023 Annual Summary

    were added to the collection. Thank you to all the authors who help our readership engage with new content ... resulted in an overall reading level of 10 th to 12 th grade. In addition, Ohioline has a search engine ...

  9. VI. Promotion and Tenure

    Search Faculty Promotion and Tenure for the Dept of Extension   Promotion Resources: Appointments, ...

  10. Educator IV Application and Promotion to Tenure-Track Faculty Educator in the Department of Extension, Without a National Search

    Extension Educators Applying for a Tenure-Track Position without a National Search Extension educators who ... probationary status. If a request for a faculty position without a search is not approved, the educator will ...
