
Search results

  1. Animal Science Clothing Order

    and then there will be a checkout process.   Payment cannot be collected through this site.   All ...

  2. Ohio Agricultural Mental Health Alliance releases farm stress survey results

    Key highlights collected from the survey data show: The most common stressors that caused moderate to ...

  3. CFAES Products for Sale

    a nearly 20-acre sugarbush. Each year a limited amount of syrup is collected, processed and available for ...

  4. New research reveals economic and social impacts of caregivers in North central and Northeast US

    replicated in the northeast and the south by the CRD’s in those regions,” she said. “Collectively these ...

  5. Preserve and protect your bounty of summer produce

    excellent resource is the collection of food preservation fact sheets found at “Just ... search for ‘food preservation,’” Shumaker said. Kate Shumaker Ohio State University Extension ...

  6. CFAES grad’s research sheds light on farm succession planning

    dedication led to the development of a survey that collected data from farm operators about their current ... collection is a commendable achievement for undergraduate research.” With surveys from 186 farmers across 39 ...

  7. 2024-2025 ASGSA Officers

    call home for the last 4 years! If I’m not in the lab you can find me wandering Columbus in search of ...

  8. Moderate to larger-than-moderate harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

    Natural Resources. “Additionally, data collected before and during each bloom season continues to inform ...

  9. Study Suggests Hepatitis E may be a Sexually Transmitted Infection

    Yadav detected viral particles associated with at least 19% of sperm cells collected from the infected swine.  “We ...

  10. Rural childcare an important topic at Farm Science Review

    far from alone in his opinion when she collected data for the 2023 National Farm Families Childcare ...
