
Search results

  1. New Ohio State Wellness App

    the app for free by searching for “Ohio State: Wellness” in the App Store. All Digital Flagship iPads ...

  2. Walls completes internship with Monsanto

    Monsanto Production Research by collecting data on DEKALB corn trial plots. Some of this data included ...

  3. Baptisia collection expands at the OPGC

    of approximately 30 species distribued mainly in the Eastern and Southeaster USA.  The collection had ... the collection moves forward. ...

  4. Saying ‘so long’ to Sergiy

    lab and field research and learned several new techniques to collect, process, and analyze biological, ...

  5. GIS Day 2019

    professionals. Refreshments will be provided. Exhibits/Resource Fair Explore map collections housed in the OSU ...

  6. The Begonian- March-April 2012 issue features article about OPGC

    A brief article describing some of the work on the begonia collection at the OPGC has been ... describes the importance of the collection in the OPGC's programs and provides an overview of the ... challenges and opportunities presented by germplasm work in this very large genus. The original collection of ...

  7. Coming soon: Co-op Mastery, an online training from The Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    They can search the “Co-op Mastery” online library to locate additional research-backed reference ... learners to search the course for information as it is needed. Students at The Ohio State University will ...

  8. 2020 a busy year for SWBR

    collecting research data, demonstrating, and transferring unbiased research-based aquaponics knowledge to ...

  9. Collection of phlox germplasm in Southeastern USA a success

    become part of germplasm studies and of our collection.   Phlox collecting started in the panhandle ... collecting seed, samples of plants were collected that now must be rooted and propagated in Columbus for seed ...

  10. Phlox exploration adventure under way

    trip to collect samples of Phlox in the Southeastern USA. This collection is intended to expand the ...
