
Search results

  1. CFAES Principles of Community

    collective experience. You are encouraged to download and post the principles, discuss them during meetings, ...

  2. 4-H Provides Life and Leadership Skills

    Doing" Strategies. The  Ohio 4-H Family Guide  outlines the entire collection of Ohio 4-H projects for ...

  3. 2021 Annual Summary

    Everywhere, Katie Feldhues (Wells) and Lexi Heger Insect Collecting Guide, Katherine Turo, Graduate Fellow, ... Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers, Erdal Ozkan Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and ...

  4. Ag in the Classroom

    school garden enthusiasts. We are a collective group of garden educators, community members, and ...

  5. Internal Registration Guidance

    will be OSU Extension or FAES employees, the host unit should collect the worktags for those attending ... and request a journal entry to bill the participants and collect the revenue. Extension Operations ... efficient process to charge your participants and receive your revenue. After you collect the worktags from ...

  6. OSU Extension Trust Edge Survey

    being managed by an independent survey company. This outside company will host the survey and collect ...

  7. New Guidance for OSU Extension Employees as 4-H Volunteers

    a collective effort that will be handled locally. The state office will support as needed, but the county ...

  8. Report = Support! Mandatory Training Reminder

    collective bargaining agreements. Note that student employees and any other employees enrolled in classes are ...

  9. Holiday Expenditure Guidance

    limit applies collectively to all recognition and appreciation expenses coordinated by both college and ... throughout the year, then holiday event expenditures may need minimized to stay within the collective annual ...

  10. NACAA Search for Excellence Award Submissions are due by March 15

    This is a reminder that NACAA Search for Excellence Awards are due by March 15. The application is ... completed online. Ohio has had a very successful run of Search for Excellence awards with many national ...
