
Search results

  1. 2020 Gallia County 4H Scholarship Winners Honored

    Danella Newberry. Abby is a member of the Triangle and K-9 4-H Clubs. Her 4-H projects are a collection of ... Patrol. The CARTEEN program itself started in 2005 and through funds collected from the program fees, ...

  2. OSU Extension Priorities and Program Areas

    skills they need to engage in meaningful dialogue focused on positive change and collective impact that ...

  3. Change Your Employee Recruitment and Interview Mindset

    a vacancy, at least collect contact information.  Some farms may even create a temporary position for the ...

  4. Section VII: Academic Department Information

    payment through invoicing and collection of funds. Departments will need to assume the cost of the no-cost ...

  5. Determining Forage Moisture Content

    tools/testers requires that a good representative sample is collected to produce a reliable result. As with most ...

  6. FST's Dr. Melvin Pascall serves as USAID Farmer to Farmer Volunteer

    of business collectives that would allow for a pooling of resources to make “quality” labeling and ...

  7. New Chair for the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences After an extensive national search, I am pleased to announce the ...

  8. New 4H Fundraiser for 4H'ers or 4H Clubs

    This fund raiser is a pre-order fund raiser.  You take orders collect the money and turn in the ... money collected and $2.50 per item sold will be credited to their camp bill.  If a club advisor would ... like to take up collections and turn in a club order they would need to write a club check for product ...

  9. Should Customers Fall For Panera's New Gimmick? Food Scientists Weigh In

    Pseudoscience.” Whether or not you chuckle at that viral internet reference (search “Damn Daniel” if you’re ...

  10. CE Educational and Leadership Opportunities

    a challenge for support staff. In 2012 CES sponsored the data collection efforts for the Support Staff ...
