
Search results

  1. If you thought the pandemic was all bad …

    child searching for work, younger ones scouring their iPads, cats seeking attention—you are reminded ...

  2. Corn Counting Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Convolutional Neural Networks

    imagery collected using low-cost UAS. The UAS data were collected from Synder farm, Wooster, Ohio at ...

  3. The Impacts of Green Stormwater Infrastructure on Water Quality: A Sewershed-Scale Analysis of the Effects of the Blueprint Columbus Project on Nutrients and Metals

    these changes. Water quality samples were collected over four years at the discharge point of one ... samplers were utilized to continuously collect water quality data. The experimental technique known as ...

  4. Huge Impacts from Tiny Organisms: Novel Bacteria Improve Health and Quality of Floriculture Crops

    developed a novel collection of bacteria originating from the rhizosphere of water-stressed greenhouse ... ornamental crops. Over 1,100 bacteria isolates were collected from plants in diverse greenhouse facilities ...

  5. Manure pit fatalities spur awareness

    equipment, Jepsen said.  Underground pits and above-ground manure lagoons collect manure so it can later be ...

  6. Zotero Workshop (Wooster)

    Zotero is a free easy to use citation manager that can help you collect, organize, and cite your ...

  7. Aligning Approaches and Methodologies to your Research and Research Question

    methodologies and methods. We will also brainstorm different methods for data collection, data analysis, and ...

  8. Contact Us

    Department listing, click the department you are searching for, and scroll to the footer of their website to ...

  9. Hear us ROAR: Bioregional restoration of central Ohio’s ecological systems

    and Ohio State Newark) to leverage their collective buying power for renewable energy and food ...

  10. Critical Impact: Latinx Identity in 2020

    a collective conversation on Latinx identity in the workplace and how we negotiate and network in this new ...
