
Search results

  1. Effect of Increased Somatic Cell Count on Herd Level Yield of Milk and Milk Components

    and protein. Materials and Methods During this study, data collected from Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI ...

  2. Economics of Dairy Production in Ohio

    a seven-year period. The data within the summary report, however, were not collected from a scientifically ...

  3. Control of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD or Pneumonia)

    respiratory tract soon after birth. If samples from several healthy calves are collected, some will yield ...

  4. Johne's Disease Testing Options: What has Changed?

    samples can be collected by producers and sent to the laboratory, through their herd veterinarian, for ...

  5. MarketView…Livestock Gross Market Insurance Product and Price Forcasts

    which is funded entirely by the taxpayer.  This money is collected by the insurance companies, their ...

  6. The Land of “MILC and Honey”- Dairy Policy Watch 2013

    it is in the collective interest of dairy producers to reduce production to boost margins quickly to ... sustainable levels. However, even in absence of coordinated collective action, periods of low margins are ...

  7. Dairy Commodity and Milk Price Outlook

    economists who have put their collective efforts to understanding the milk price cycle have an informative ...

  8. Deconstruction of a Speculative Attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Class III Futures Contract

    investors' money and generally invest it on a collective basis. Hedge funds differ significantly from mutual ...

  9. National Animal Identification System for Cattle

    concentrated so that exposure at a major collecting point or large integrated facility would lead to tremendous ...

  10. Dairy Market Watch, July 2012

    collected and used by the stabilization program (S. p. 102, H.R. p. 109) but the Senate bill also requires ...
