
Search results

  1. Mental Health Resources

     perspective, this webinar will examine racism as the collective trauma that it is. Whitney will speak ... is an opportunity to bring ALL people together in their common humanity and take collective action to ...

  2. University of Arkansas Graduate Research Assistantship

    collection, program implementation, data analyses, technical writing and public speaking through presenting at ...

  3. A Day in the Woods Webinar-Mapping Your Woods

    Water Conservation District 10:30 AM –  Collecting location information from your woodland using AVENZA ...

  4. Dairy Store Workers Needed

    Looking for a job this spring? We are searching for a few motivated students to work in the Parker ...

  5. About OCVN

    educate visitors. Citizen Science Volunteer to collect data for a University, agency, or not for profit ...

  6. Internships

    Log into your Handshake account and search for the job ID number for each position. Communications ...

  7. Citizen Science for Continuing Education

    everywhere) in answering real world questions by collecting data, observing, monitoring, and more. We may get ... world. Day 1: Experts will tell us the many ways data can be collected, why its collection is so valuable ... ‘foot soldiers’ in the field. Day 2: Plan on traveling to hot spots of data collection, utilizing tips ...

  8. Foltzville Returns

    trains. Canned and boxed food items were collected by both offices in a friendly competition to see which ... train set could collect the most items. The boxes will be counted after the holidays and taken to the ...

  9. EEOB 3498 Undergraduate Research

    students will present their findings in a poster symposium with data collected in the lab at the end of the ...

  10. Data Show Faculty Profiles are Important

    According to data collected by CFAES Communications folks, the most visited page on all department ... websites is the faculty profiles page. (And, the most searched for information in the CFAES is the list of ...
