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Search results

  1. SWE search committee meeting

    has agreed to release her reservation, so we can have a SWE search committee meeting at this time. ...

  2. Aligning Approaches and Methodologies to your Research and Research Question

    methodologies and methods. We will also brainstorm different methods for data collection, data analysis, and ...

  3. What is GRIN?

    and other information. The public can access GRIN at  and search for ... accessions and search for accessions and associated information. ...

  4. Forms by Sponsor

    are looking for below to see a collection of the common forms that are required with proposal ...

  5. About OCVN

    educate visitors. Citizen Science Volunteer to collect data for a University, agency, or not for profit ...

  6. NIH

    Below is a collection of documents that may be helpful as you prepare and submit your proposal. ...

  7. Graduate Student Opportunities

    fostering high-quality research among scientists, SEEDS enables these scientists to collect the preliminary ... create customized searches and generate funding alerts based on your research interests. For questions ... create and save searches that generate customized funding alerts. Watch a recorded webinar on how to use ...

  8. Finding Funding

    and how to create and save searches that generate funding alerts. We will also discuss additional ...

  9. Virulence of Pythium aphanidermatum and P. oopapillum in hydroponic lettuce

    were a water agar disc placed in the root zone or no agar disc. Data were collected for root length, ...

  10. Campus Resources

    University Registrar Writing Center Can't find what you're looking for? Search Ohio State.        ...
