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  1. Last Alfalfa Cutting and Risk Management

    the needed carbohydrate reserves.  Photosynthesis requires green, healthy leaves to collect energy ...

  2. Manage for High Quality Corn Silage

    plastic alone. Finally, have a plan or system in place to manage and/or collect seepage from silage.  This ...

  3. Farm Land Lease & Farm Bill Programs Workshop

    fee of $10 to help cover the cost of handouts, materials and expences will be collected at the door. ...

  4. Drought Stressed Corn as Silage

    easiest methods of moisture determination available.  It involves collecting at least 4-6 representative ... corn stalks and chopping or cutting them into short lengths of less than 1 inch.  Mix well and collect ...

  5. Maintain Grain Quality in the Bin

    tapered end of the trap spins off to reveal where fallen insects are collected. The insects can be ...

  6. Important Information for Livestock Project Participants

    warning, the exhibitor will not be allowed to show any classes beyond the date of third warning or collect ...
