
Search results

  1. Insect Adventures 2

    collection at this level is 40 insect specimens. Visit Project Central to take a closer look at this book, ... net and a jar? You're all set to start your insect collecting adventure with these ... a few insects, maybe even a bee, but now what? See how to safely transfer an insect to a collecting jar, ...

  2. Manure Sampling for Nutrient Analysis

    sample and then collecting a representative sample.  Ideally, a manure sample is submitted before ... allow the farm to establish baseline nutrient values.  The second challenge is collecting ... accurately represent the quantity of manure being applied, it may be necessary to collect several different ...

  3. Opening Celebration of United Black World Month Featuring LaTosha Brown

    Arts group and political activist, LaTosha Brown. The Maroon Arts Group (MAG) is a collective of ...

  4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    all contribute to our community and our collective experience. You are encouraged to download and post ...

  5. Rocketing upward

    lost their rocket somewhere in a cornfield. They searched through the field for four hours with no ...

  6. Corn Counting Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Convolutional Neural Networks

    imagery collected using low-cost UAS. The UAS data were collected from Synder farm, Wooster, Ohio at ...

  7. The Impacts of Green Stormwater Infrastructure on Water Quality: A Sewershed-Scale Analysis of the Effects of the Blueprint Columbus Project on Nutrients and Metals

    these changes. Water quality samples were collected over four years at the discharge point of one ... samplers were utilized to continuously collect water quality data. The experimental technique known as ...

  8. Huge Impacts from Tiny Organisms: Novel Bacteria Improve Health and Quality of Floriculture Crops

    developed a novel collection of bacteria originating from the rhizosphere of water-stressed greenhouse ... ornamental crops. Over 1,100 bacteria isolates were collected from plants in diverse greenhouse facilities ...

  9. Compliance

    Demographic Data Collection Tools  The following forms must be downloaded and saved in order to access the ... has been saved, locate the file in its folder and open it from there. Demographic Data Collection Form ...

  10. Publications & Presentations

    Wittum, T., and Flint, M. "Assisting AZA Aquariums in Measuring Sustainability of Wild Collections ... Approach to Assess Sustainability of Wild Collection for Public Aquariums." (2021). OSU College of ...
