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  1. Extension Today: Fall Planting

    late-season vegetable crops – so get searching! And don't forget about trees, shrubs, and fall flowers ...

  2. Ashley A. Stroud

    collect water samples, performing assays to determine the safety of drinking water in her home community ...

  3. Future Students

    home to the C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection, which is ranked among the top university collections in ...

  4. Hannah S. McKenzie

    Insect Collection. It was because of this internship that Hannah was able to get involved with an ... Triplehorn Insect Collection after completing her internship there. Studying abroad in New Zealand was ...

  5. Hailey A. Snyder

    laboratory in the College of Veterinary Medicine, where she assisted in allocating and organizing collected ... where she interned, collecting blood samples to study testosterone and dihydrotesterone in healthy, ...

  6. Allison M. Rapp

    She performed surveillance testing, sample collection, and analysis of reovirus events in turkey ...

  7. Vashti B. Tatman

    future career goals are to start an insectary at the Columbus Zoo, to travel the globe collecting ...

  8. Annika N. Diaz

    spinal osteopathy in the zoo collection. Working at the San Diego Zoo taught her the true value of ...

  9. Tara E. Allen

    collect data, so she had to change directions. Though reorganizing and altering the focal point of her ...

  10. Evidence of Student Learning

    constructed from the four years of data that has been collected based on the program assessment process. ...
