
Search results

  1. Paws and Pumpkins on October 26

    if you are looking for additional activities to do in town. We are also collecting donations for our ...

  2. Finding Funding Workshop (SPIN)

    and how to create and save searches that generate funding alerts. We will also discuss additional ...

  3. Subrecipient/ Sub-Award Commitment Information

    collected in the past.  As a PI, you are responsible for sending this form to your counterpart at other ...

  4. CFAES Wooster new umbrella term for Ohio State location

    which will allow the collection to be showcased for visitors and school groups. Four entomology research ...

  5. GIS and Spatial Analysis at Ohio State: Is There an App for That?

    collecting data in the field, to creating custom data dashboards or web mapping applications, to embedding ...

  6. Water Research Foundation Funding Opportunities

    Microbial Risks and Potential Impacts from Stormwater Collection and Uses to Establish Appropriate Best ... stormwater collection and onsite reuse to help establish appropriate best management practices for stormwater ... with stormwater collected for intended uses. • To synthesize key methods and strategies in assessing ...

  7. Student Survey on Sexual Misconduct

    all campuses are encouraged to complete the survey as information collected will allow the university ...

  8. Small Acts Make Big Impact

    have been collected from various parts of campus.  What are some of the small acts you do on a daily ...

  9. Hiring Pause through June 30

         The hiring pause does not overrule collective bargaining agreements.       Exceptions to the ...

  10. 2019 Community Engagement Conference Proceedings

    2019 conference proceedings are volume 7 of the  Engaged Scholars  collection, which includes nearly ...
