
Search results

  1. Waterman Dairy Position

    cattle, clean stalls, deliver feed (ability to lift a minimum of 50lbs), and assist in collecting data. ...

  2. OSU Extension Sheep Team Creates Blog

    features a search engine that allows readers to find previously posted articles relating to their specific ...

  3. Legan Livestock & Grain Internship

    approximately 1,000 acres of corn and soybeans. LLG is searching for interns to compliment their farm. This is ...

  4. Hendrick Takes Over as Acting Vice President and Dean

    the leadership team: A new director of OSU Extension, Roger Rennekamp, starts in January. A search for ... OARDC, retires at the  end of December. A search for a new director of Marketing and Communications is ...

  5. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Education, 1980, ASU Presidential Search: Final 4 candidates Revealed Jamie McConnell, MS in Agricultural ...

  6. McPheron Named Interim Provost, Hendrick Named Acting Dean

    and college dean in place of Dr. McPheron while the university conducts as national search for ...

  7. Quality Assurance Manager

    shipping throughout the US and overseas located in Creston, Ohio. They are searching for a motivated ...

  8. Livestock Exposure Could Help Babies' Immune Systems

    Sciences (CFAES). The research team collected fecal samples from 10 Ohio babies who were around 6 months to ...

  9. Campus Sustainability Survey Report Now Available

    increased by almost 30% since the last major data collection in 2014, while knowledge of ...

  10. Social distancing—an immigrant perspective

    survive this time, as well. So, “natives,” hang in there. This too shall pass. Our collective new ...
