
Search results

  1. Waterman Dairy Position

    cattle, clean stalls, deliver feed (ability to lift a minimum of 50lbs), and assist in collecting data. ...

  2. OSU Extension Sheep Team Creates Blog

    features a search engine that allows readers to find previously posted articles relating to their specific ...

  3. Saying ‘so long’ to Sergiy

    lab and field research and learned several new techniques to collect, process, and analyze biological, ...

  4. Legan Livestock & Grain Internship

    approximately 1,000 acres of corn and soybeans. LLG is searching for interns to compliment their farm. This is ...

  5. Quality Assurance Manager

    shipping throughout the US and overseas located in Creston, Ohio. They are searching for a motivated ...

  6. Coming soon: Co-op Mastery, an online training from The Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    They can search the “Co-op Mastery” online library to locate additional research-backed reference ... learners to search the course for information as it is needed. Students at The Ohio State University will ...

  7. Endeavor Center awarded EDA Grant

    identifying what performance measurement data the incubator proposes to collect from tenants/partners and for ... what period of time during and after the service period the data will be collected. This should also ...

  8. Goat Teach and Research Facility

    UC Davis Department of Animal Science is searching for a manager of the Animal Science Goat ...

  9. Black Leg Ranch Internship

    Applications are attached and are due by March 10th! For more information on the ranch go to YouTube and search ...

  10. Direct Marketing, partners collab to improve farmers market sustainability

    According to USDA’s National Agricultural Library, when searching for the definition of sustainable, ...
