
Search results

  1. New Hop Research Funding Received to Further Develop the Ohio Hop Industry

    acids, in 60 seconds using the latest in infrared technology – compared to three days to collect, mail, ...

  2. Federal grant funds Ohio State study of plant biofuel potential

    breeding and/or genetic manipulation. They also will develop a public seed collection of pennycress mutants ...

  3. Welcome to OSU South Centers Vinayak Shedekar!

    different techniques to collect, process and analyze soil, water and plant samples related to agroecosystem ...

  4. CFAES Library renovation set to begin

    the planning committee. The project should start this summer with the search for and selection of an ...

  5. Annie Specht Joins ACEL

    a highly competitive search process, Ohio State is fortunate to have Annie join us with a significant ...

  6. OSU South Centers to host Blueberry, Bramble, and Wine Grape Field Night

    rootstock collection and evaluation, pest management using chemigation, field tours of blueberries, brambles ...

  7. Profile- Miller

    handled the budget (including 3 subawards), collected all the support documentation from over 20 PIs and ...

  8. Manufacturing Rountable

    discuss their specific needs and how we might collectively address and solve those needs.    A few of the ...

  9. New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster

    managers never stop searching for ways to reduce phosphorus input, they also need to be able to monitor ...

  10. Raspberry production in a different light

    production with the use of drones and image recognition for real-time data collection in terms of the ...
