
Search results

  1. Native Trees: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees, and Other Beneficials

    bees in search of pollen. Mature oaks often form cavities and other microhabitats (i.e., bark splits ...

  2. Bagworm and Its Control

    Within four weeks the males emerge and actively fly about in search of females. Mature females call by ...

  3. Guidelines for Choosing a Soil Analytical Laboratory

    only provides the check samples but also collects and statistically analyzes the data from laboratories ... Collection Kits Most soil analytical laboratories supply sample collection kits for their customers. At ... sample collection, manure analysis, and water quality testing. Summary Consultation with your local OSU ...

  4. Indiana Beef Cattle Association Management Position

    The Indiana Beef Cattle Association is searching for a Communications, Operations and Membership ...

  5. Soil Acidity and Liming for Agronomic Production

    should be collected to a depth of 8 inches, and for no-till soils samples should be collected to a depth ... affect pH measurements. Avoid collecting soil samples when the soil is excessively dry or wet. Soils ... sampled during a dry period may result in lower pH values, and conversely, soil samples collected during ...

  6. Adapting to Shale-Based Development Through a Countywide Approach: Lessons Learned from Jefferson County, Ohio

    a collective voice among community leaders. Use this collective voice to build a dialogue with the industry. ... component. As the oil and gas industry expands into their region, this collective voice makes for a more ...

  7. Where to Have Your Water Tested

    for and how to collect a water sample. Other publications on water testing and water treatment can be ...

  8. Billbugs in Turfgrass

    late-April to mid-May when the soil surface temperatures rise above 60°F. The adults wander in search of ... in search of oviposition sites. Studies in Ohio show that adults may begin to migrate in late April. ...

  9. Boom Sprayer Calibration

    It's based on spraying 1/128 of an acre per nozzle and collecting the spray that would be released ... tested. If an individual sample collected is more than 10 percent higher or lower than the average nozzle ... one nozzle is used per row, the combined amount collected from all nozzles directed at one row is ...

  10. Combine Fires

    collecting and combining to start a fire. To manage combine fire: Call 911 at first sign of a fire. Keep ...
