
Search results

  1. Corn Counting Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Convolutional Neural Networks

    imagery collected using low-cost UAS. The UAS data were collected from Synder farm, Wooster, Ohio at ...

  2. The Impacts of Green Stormwater Infrastructure on Water Quality: A Sewershed-Scale Analysis of the Effects of the Blueprint Columbus Project on Nutrients and Metals

    these changes. Water quality samples were collected over four years at the discharge point of one ... samplers were utilized to continuously collect water quality data. The experimental technique known as ...

  3. Huge Impacts from Tiny Organisms: Novel Bacteria Improve Health and Quality of Floriculture Crops

    developed a novel collection of bacteria originating from the rhizosphere of water-stressed greenhouse ... ornamental crops. Over 1,100 bacteria isolates were collected from plants in diverse greenhouse facilities ...

  4. Dave Drake Retirement We are also collecting for a single larger gift if members of the community would like to ... money collection: Venmo app: @Cassandra-Sewell-2     Last four of phone number is 4734, this might be ...

  5. Wooster Science Café- Our Complicated Relationship with Phosphorus

    Owen will lead us in a discussion of the current state of phosphorous use and its collective ...

  6. Zotero Workshop (Wooster)

    Zotero is a free easy to use citation manager that can help you collect, organize, and cite your ...

  7. Resources for Teachers

    One unique feature of this site is a dynamic mapping tool which allows users to search, filter and ... customize NRELs vast collection geographic information. This tool allows students explore the availability ...

  8. New OSU Citizen Science Program for Youth (3rd – 7th grade): Dandelion Detectives!

    “Observation Dandelion” and collect data about the richness of blooming weeds (or lack thereof) found in their ...

  9. Inclusive Excellence Trainings

    Excellence Trainings in the coming months. This is the required training for everyone that serves on a Search ...

  10. Aligning Approaches and Methodologies to your Research and Research Question

    methodologies and methods. We will also brainstorm different methods for data collection, data analysis, and ...
