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Windows 11 Now Available: Update by November 1, 2024
Center is to use the Windows search feature. Click in the search box by the Windows start button and start ...
Manure Application to Parched Soil
normal manure spreading pattern. Collect the tarp and weigh it with the manure collected. Each pound of ... manure collected is equal to one ton applied per acre. If you collected 10 pounds, your manure ...
Drought to Frost: Feeding Safe Forages
important to call the lab if you plan to send a sample to get guidelines on how to collect, handle, and ship ...
Food Kindness
Insecurity Data and use this lookup tool to search for food insecurity data in your county. Food Packing ...
Celebrate National Nematode Day and Collect a Soil Sample for SCN Testing
The SCN Coalition, is excited to announce the celebration of the second National Nematode Day on October 1, 2024, sponsored by BASF, Bayer and Syngenta. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the impact and threat that plant parasitic nematodes ...
Ohio Soybean Growers: Submit Your Sudden Death Syndrome Samples
the fungicide sensitivity of isolates in our culture collection. 3. Confirm whether the symptoms point ...
Early Alert timeline
student performance at that time. The collection and use of this information is critical in the effort to ...
Julie Fox, Ph.D.
the OSU South Centers. Through a national search in 2014, she was selected to serve as a member of OSU ...
Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 23- Interview with Tom Fontana from Ohio Soybean Council
decisions on how the checkoff dollars are being spent. The money collected in Ohio goes to research, ...
Changes to UniPrint ordering website
able to take advantage of a simplified design, which includes enhanced ability to search items by ...