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  1. Celebrate National Nematode Day and Collect a Soil Sample for SCN Testing

    The SCN Coalition, is excited to announce the celebration of the second  National Nematode Day on October 1, 2024, sponsored by BASF, Bayer and Syngenta. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the impact and threat that plant parasitic nematodes ...

  2. Extension Today: Tomatoes

    educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. Search ...

  3. Clovers CODE

    treasure trove of 4-H project info! This is THE link to read about the entire collection of Ohio 4-H ...

  4. Extension Today: Cupboard Cleanout

    easy" recipe hacks to be found online and in cookbooks. If you spend a little time searching for some recipes ...

  5. 4-H Animal Projects: An Option for any 4-H Member

    Guide  outlines the entire collection of Ohio 4-H projects for the current year. During the summer fair ...

  6. Spring Garden Preparation is Important

    tools, gloves, sun hat. Some favorite seed varieties can be hard to find, so it pays to start searching ...

  7. Extension Today: Healthy Holiday Sides

    search for a contact in your county to help you start managing your diabetes better today! The OSU Wexner ...

  8. Where can I get vaccinated?

    vaccines, check your local health department. You can find your local health department by searching ...

  9. Ohio Soybean Growers: Submit Your Sudden Death Syndrome Samples

    the fungicide sensitivity of isolates in our culture collection. 3. Confirm whether the symptoms point ...

  10. Principal Investigator Status for Extension Professionals

    team. You can access the course via the following steps: Log in to Search ...
