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  1. Dairy Market Watch, July 2012

    collected and used by the stabilization program (S. p. 102, H.R. p. 109) but the Senate bill also requires ...

  2. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13

    rented cropland in a region. This factsheet is a summary of data collected for western Ohio cropland ...

  3. Communiqué June 10, 2015

    collected regarding the conviction. Disclosure forms may be accessed here, and can be submitted to your ...

  4. Communiqué September 21, 2011

    additional resources. They include: 1)  - Allows you to search for ...

  5. Communiqué July 27, 2011

    a searchable database available online. You can search for an employee by a wide variety of parameters – office ... name, location, specialization, last name, or EERA. You can also search for all employees for ...

  6. What Does Discovery of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Herd in Ohio Mean for Ohio Livestock Farmers?

    usefulness.  As long as three years ago, I collected blood samples from animals in a 300-cow beef herd that ... the TB program.” (12) If we, collectively, decide that the bTB eradication program, started by our ...

  7. Communiqué May 28, 2014

    has the potential of amplifying the collective intelligence for greater impact. Not all mobs are ... Hands-On Investigations to Your Neighborhood and Building Collective Action on Climate Change Education ... Chautauqua offers an opportunity “to advance and clarify our collective understanding of community coaching ...

  8. Communiqué April 1, 2015

    Consumer Sciences assistant director search and the search for the Southwest and Southeast regional ...

  9. Communiqué May 8, 2013

    “find-ability” on search engines. Improve our response time from OSUE professionals. Work with assistant ...

  10. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    the calendar year of 2013. Data collected for the study represented 76.7% of U.S. dairy operations and ...
