
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Canning expected to be big this year amid COVID-19

    gardens this year. For example, online searches for “growing vegetables from scraps” increased 4,650% in ...

  2. OARDC’s Crabapple Trees Should Hit Peak Bloom This Weekend

    largest crabapple tree collection in the U.S., Cochran said. Included in that total are more than 100 new ... a fairly tough tree,” Cochran said. “We’re seeing very little winter damage.” The collection’s cultivars ...

  3. Fun and Easy Activities for Spring and Summer

    drawing with chalk outside on the sidewalk. Go on a nature walk. Collect things as you find them, like ... Make a weather calendar to help kids see that no two days are exactly alike. Go on a rock hunt. Collect ...

  4. Learn to cope with on-farm hurdles at Farm Science Review 2019

    available by download from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store by searching for “FSR 2019” or by ...

  5. Sprayer Preparation and Calibration

    a method based on spraying 1/128 of an acre per nozzle and collecting the spray volume released during the ... Accuracy depends upon making sure that the time measured to collect the spray from the nozzles is the same ... individual outputs and then dividing by the number of nozzles tested. If an individual sample collected is ...

  6. Chow Line: Canned pumpkin offers nutrition, convenience

    a more-than-acceptable 10 milligrams. As for ideas on how to use pumpkin, you can search almost any recipe database to ... Search for “pumpkin” and the recipes that result include muffins, pancakes, cookies and other ...

  7. CFAES is partnering with NRCS and Cargill for better soil health and water quality

    research; a new network for collecting water quality data; and a new water quality research consortium, ... are collaborating with local soil and water conservation district staff and assisting with collecting ...

  8. Reliable Health and Nutrition Information Online

    activity. Two issues you might find yourself facing when searching for ways to start or continue your ... search for wellness, we look to the internet for this health information, so how do we know what to ...

  9. Fall Native Tree Sale

    span,” Struve says. So Struve has been collecting the seeds of some of the most impressive specimens of ... red oaks and these all came from the seed collected from the same mother tree, so they’re all brothers ... instinct. He’s been gathering seeds so long he says… “Now the other problem with seed collection is it’s ...

  10. Testing Livestock Forage and Feed Samples Colder Weather Animal Care

    ensure they provide their animals adequate nutrients is to collect samples of forage and send it to a lab ... be fed in a total mixed ration (TMR), then collect five to eight samples. Combine samples into a five ... Knock down or remove the amount that would normally be fed and collect four to five scoop samples.  ...
