
Search results

  1. Dairy Commodity and Milk Price Outlook

    economists who have put their collective efforts to understanding the milk price cycle have an informative ...

  2. International Researchers & Ohio State Faculty Collaborate to Improve Food Security, Carry on the Legacy of Norman Borlaug

    countries through the collection, identification, and conservation of more than 200,000 genetic samples ...

  3. Deconstruction of a Speculative Attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Class III Futures Contract

    investors' money and generally invest it on a collective basis. Hedge funds differ significantly from mutual ...

  4. Financial: Travel

    Columbus. For those with access to eTravel the data collected on this form may be entered into the eTravel ...

  5. National Animal Identification System for Cattle

    concentrated so that exposure at a major collecting point or large integrated facility would lead to tremendous ...

  6. Dairy Market Watch, July 2012

    collected and used by the stabilization program (S. p. 102, H.R. p. 109) but the Senate bill also requires ...

  7. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13

    rented cropland in a region. This factsheet is a summary of data collected for western Ohio cropland ...

  8. International Student Blog

    collections from produce cess. The collected funds can be used for improvement of social services, including ...

  9. What Does Discovery of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Herd in Ohio Mean for Ohio Livestock Farmers?

    usefulness.  As long as three years ago, I collected blood samples from animals in a 300-cow beef herd that ... the TB program.” (12) If we, collectively, decide that the bTB eradication program, started by our ...

  10. USDA Releases DAIRY 2014: Dairy Management Practices in the United States

    the calendar year of 2013. Data collected for the study represented 76.7% of U.S. dairy operations and ...
