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  1. CD Wire- September 24, 2013

    review the papers and handouts you may have picked up, the business cards collected, or the notes you may ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- December 17, 2012

    more specific details describing these efforts will be collected, assembled, and reported in the coming ...

  3. CD Weekly Wire- January 13, 2014

    are the goodies that will require our attention (individually and collectively) this year and in ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- April 22, 2013

    and indicators of progress and impact Census data collection Submit a query (edited but not ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- April 1, 2013

    individual, your team and our collective efforts in a fast-moving and engaging environment that enhances ...

  6. CD Weekly Wire- August 27, 2012

    Learn about copyright on all kinds of resources and how Fair Use applies Research in View: Collect ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- September 23, 2013

    review the papers and handouts you may have picked up, the business cards collected, or the notes you may ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- November 5, 2012

    Forms 3: Collecting the Data- November 14 at 11:00 a.m. Networked Extension Professional- November 15 at ...
