
Search results

  1. Food Safety is Focus of $2.3 Million in Grants

    might play. In addition, the scientists will collect samples from the kitchens of farm workers who have ...

  2. Locally Grown Hops a Possibility for Ohio’s Booming Microbreweries

    conditions,” he said. “Data collected from these applied research trials will allow us to educate growers about ...

  3. Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till

    Search for “cover crops.” Look for more information at the Midwest Cover Crops Council web ...

  4. Researchers Screening Soybean Lines for Virus Resistance

    during the season the insect transmits the virus to the plant. "We are collecting beetles all over ...

  5. Producers Can Add Yellow Vine to the Long List of Pumpkin Diseases

    including squash, pumpkin and melon. Cucumbers are not impacted. Welty collected samples of pumpkin and ...

  6. New Cooperative Targets Ohio Farmers' Markets

    managers and their vendors to collectively pool ideas, experiences and resources, while sharing knowledge ...

  7. Improving Grape Quality with Precision Agriculture

    "We are looking for effective tools and methods of collecting information that a grower can use to ...

  8. Guide Helps Growers Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode

    Management Guide provides detailed information on how to soil sample and the procedure for collecting soil ...

  9. Connecting Food Buyers and Sellers with MarketMaker at Farm Science Review

    of state Web sites that boasts one of the most extensive collections of searchable food ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Protect yourself from identity fraud (for November 2006)

    for pickup; instead, take it to the post office or an official collection box. In addition, tear or ...
