
Search results

  1. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    those scientists to collect the preliminary data needed to give them a competitive edge in national ...

  2. 2010 Semnars

    student (Dr. McSpadden Gardener) The search for new mechanisms: linking genes and metabolites to phenotype ... Pathology, PhD student (Dr. Qu) Searching for an RNA silencing suppressor encoded by Bean pod mottle virus in ...

  3. Sarah D. (Ellis) Williams

    Rimelspach, J.W. 2010. OSU Extension Factsheet – “Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant ...

  4. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Current Projects

    health. We have accumulated a collection of root and soil DNA from farms spread all across Ohio. This ... collection will provide the basis for long-term studies on the distribution and abundance of diverse ...

  5. Growing potential: How to recruit more Latino students into agriculture

    society and will have the potential to impact agriculture. Collectively, educators must do a better job of ...

  6. Emerald Ash Borer

    In Search Of Emerald Ash Borer Resistance An interdisciplinary team of plant pathologists, ...

  7. 2013

    Gardener B. 2013. Sampling and selection factors that enhance the diversity of microbial collections ...

  8. Gallia County 4H Fundraisers

    club collecting orders and to the Firefighters Association for the purchase of for training, tools, and ...

  9. Farm Science Review: 'Forecasting the future for 50 years'

    participants will receive a pair of work gloves (while supplies last). The goal is to collect at least half of ...

  10. Oilseed crops bring back history, look toward future at Mellinger Farm

    Valley/CROPP Cooperative,  who are collecting complementary data in plots on their research farm in La Farge, ...
