
Search results

  1. Q&A with Dr. Darren Drewry

    data-collection campaigns.    1. What is your research focus? My research seeks to understand how terrestrial ...

  2. Collaborating to Educate on Agriculture in the Community

    with a smart device, linked to an online blog page for data collection. Posters were color printed on ...

  3. Dr. Norman F. Johnson (re)joins Entomology Faculty

    the Curator of the C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection in the Museum of Biological Diversity.  Norm ...

  4. New 4H Fundraiser for 4H'ers or 4H Clubs

    This fund raiser is a pre-order fund raiser.  You take orders collect the money and turn in the ... money collected and $2.50 per item sold will be credited to their camp bill.  If a club advisor would ... like to take up collections and turn in a club order they would need to write a club check for product ...

  5. CD Wire- October 7, 2019

    for collective impact. Through public and private cross-sector partnerships with the Cooperative ... collectively drive innovation and action forward toward real and meaningful impacts. Working Remotely on ... Oct. 29 to help strengthen our shared values framework and support our collective effort to continually ...

  6. CD Wire- March 14, 2016

    dollar counts toward participation), investigate the search tab. If you have questions, please do not ... Research and Graduate Education: (From Terry Niblack) CFAES Faculty, Staff, and Students: Our search for ... recruitment phase. We are committed to identifying exciting and promising candidates through our collectively ...

  7. CD Wire- May 18, 2020

    will speak on June 15 re: A collection of Ohio-related weather and climate projects. Navigating the ...

  8. CD Wire- February 18, 2019

    will provide an introduction to using OSU’s enterprise tool, Qualtrics, for collecting and analyzing ... registration.  Collective Impact Assembly with Dan Duncan – March 28: Ohio State University Extension, Marion ... equity and inclusion, functions of Collective Impact, local government involvement, and evaluation. ...

  9. Smart Meters or Smart Users?

    used to collect usage data for billing purposes. In comparison, AMI meters provide two-way interaction ...

  10. 2020 CFAES and FABE Distinguished Senior Award Recipients

    collection efforts on the research group’s trials. He has enjoyed working on this research and is ...
