
Search results

  1. McSpadden Gardener Lab- Alumni

    focusing primarily on setting up bioassay experiments in the growth chamber, and collecting data for ...

  2. Dairy Commodity and Milk Price Outlook

    economists who have put their collective efforts to understanding the milk price cycle have an informative ...

  3. Communiqué January 9, 2012

    collected during breaks in training or other informal times. Knowing the people you lead is essential if you ... descriptions of the programs can be found at: For those interested ... recent tags, or search to find professional development in your areas of interest. If you know of ...

  4. Deconstruction of a Speculative Attack on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Class III Futures Contract

    investors' money and generally invest it on a collective basis. Hedge funds differ significantly from mutual ...

  5. National Animal Identification System for Cattle

    concentrated so that exposure at a major collecting point or large integrated facility would lead to tremendous ...

  6. Communiqué October 23, 2013

    Offered- November 6 and 8 eXtension Announces Two Position Searches Featuring the Work of OSUE Field ... eXtension Announces Two Position Searches The eXtension governing committee, Jimmy Henning, chair, and ...

  7. Nematodes

    different locations in Ohio to collect the preliminary data for further study. Impact Preliminary surveys ...

  8. Dairy Market Watch, July 2012

    collected and used by the stabilization program (S. p. 102, H.R. p. 109) but the Senate bill also requires ...

  9. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13

    rented cropland in a region. This factsheet is a summary of data collected for western Ohio cropland ...

  10. APS 2015

    Wooster, OH, U.S.A. 79-P  Diversity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates collected from Bangladesh and ...
