
Search results

  1. Market Expectations Overshoot Projected Crop Plantings

    states, however, that collectively intend to plant 66.3 million acres, up slightly from the 66.1 million ...

  2. Pork Producers Invited to AI School

    gestation area of pork producing operation, the day will consist of demonstrations on collecting boar semen, ...

  3. Hardy by Their Nature: OARDC Heirloom Roses Survive Tornado

    years ago. It’s one of the largest collections like it in the United States. Gardeners prize ...

  4. Ohio State Researchers Conduct First Genetic Study of Bedbugs, Find Possible Pesticide-Resistance Genes

    and pesticide-exposed bedbugs collected from a Columbus, Ohio, apartment in 2009 and 2010 This analysis led to the ...

  5. Secrest Arboretum Head Named Honorary Member of Garden Club of America

    including a prairie garden, butterfly garden, unique collections garden, interlude garden and water gardens. ...

  6. Join the 'Buckthorn Watch': Citizens Needed to Track Invasive Plant in Ohio, Mich., Iowa

    seek to expand our community of volunteers and collect as much data as possible regarding the ...

  7. OSU Wine Grape Variety Trial Seeks to Increase Ohio Wine Grape Growing Options

    it takes four years for the grape vines to establish and mature. “We then collect data on growth, ...

  8. Renovations at Ohio State Wetland Aim to Ramp Up Its Programs and Impact

    The park’s computer systems have also been upgraded to safeguard research data collected at the site, ...

  9. OARDC Plant Pathologist Honored for International Service

    has been cruising the world in search of pests to kill and vegetables to save. This year, Miller’s ...

  10. Scout Fields Now for Alfalfa Weevil

    growers collect a series of three 10-stem randomly selected samples from various locations in a field. ...
