
Search results

  1. CD Wire- March 4, 2014

    working with COSI to enhance their research programs by using COSI as a venue for data collection ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- May 7, 2012

    snapshots taken (again, we need high resolution landscape orientation). Collect the key info and send the ... hopeful that we can continue to work together to make our collective marketing and communication effort ...

  3. Communiqué June 24, 2011

    lead the HCRD Chair Search Committee. Within Extension administration, we have made some adjustments to ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- March 17, 2014

    Good, the Bad and the Visual.” CRP specializes in collecting, analyzing and making available data to ...

  5. CD Wire- December 18, 2012

    more specific details describing these efforts will be collected, assembled, and reported in the coming ...

  6. CD Wire- January 22, 2014

    (individually and collectively) this year and in coming years. Even though many of the items on this list we are ...

  7. CD Wire- January 7, 2014

    accomplishments. Instead of collecting key efforts via the short web-based questionnaire used in the past, this ...

  8. Communiqué March 28, 2012

    Collective, The Ohio State University; ADA-OHIO; The Wexner Center For The Arts; and The Ohio State University ...

  9. CD Wire- June 17, 2014

    a hard look at the role of CD work in Extension’s future. We’ll build on the roundtable ‘Future Search ...

  10. CD Wire- August 12, 2014

    funding with SPIN (funding opportunities database) and how to create and save searches that generate ...
