
Search results

  1. Manure Application to Parched Soil

    normal manure spreading pattern. Collect the tarp and weigh it with the manure collected. Each pound of ... manure collected is equal to one ton applied per acre. If you collected 10 pounds, your manure ...

  2. Drought to Frost: Feeding Safe Forages

    important to call the lab if you plan to send a sample to get guidelines on how to collect, handle, and ship ...

  3. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Steps to Cultivation and Considerations for Production

    resource base from which to collect materials. In addition to outdoor log production, shiitake mushrooms ...

  4. CFAES Principles of Community

    collective experience. You are encouraged to download and post the principles, discuss them during meetings, ...

  5. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    recipes, type “breakfast” or “dinner” in the search box. Here are a few online resources to get you ...

  6. Elderberry Production in Ohio

    cuttings are all effective ways to propagate elderberries. Growers can collect cuttings, two to four nodes ... typically suitable for dormant cane collection. Make sure to collect cuttings that are free of insect, ...

  7. Reassigning Expense Credit Card Transactions

    To REASSIGN an expense to another employee: Log into Workday, in SEARCH type Reassign Expense Credit ... Card Transactions or a short version of that and hit enter. (Less is more when typing in the Search ...

  8. Live Healthy Live Well Team Offers Fall Email Challenge and Webinar Series

    will need to promote locally to collect sign-ups and send weekly messages. If you're interested in ...

  9. Celebrate National Nematode Day and Collect a Soil Sample for SCN Testing

    The SCN Coalition, is excited to announce the celebration of the second  National Nematode Day on October 1, 2024, sponsored by BASF, Bayer and Syngenta. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the impact and threat that plant parasitic nematodes ...

  10. Extension Leadership Update

    I want to echo Dean Kress’s gratitude to everyone who contributed to the recent search for the ... served on the search committee, participated in a virtual vision session, or attended a face-to-face ...
