
Search results

  1. Faith N. Hagelberger

    experiences. Assisting with dystocias, neonatal calf care, surgeries, total protein collection and analysis, ...

  2. Welcome, Dr. Yu Ma!

    Karcher,  summed up our collective excitement best: “Dr. Ma has an impressive record of high-impact ...

  3. New climate mesonet up and running soon

    CFAES Ag Weather System into the Ohio Mesonet, a network of weather stations that collects data used for ...

  4. 2023 CFAES Teaching & Learning Symposium

    CFAES to strengthen the collective teaching community. The symposium presents concepts, ideas, best ... approaches to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning data collection and results analysis, using rubrics to ...

  5. CFAES students can access Trimble Technology Labs in Columbus and Wooster

    TerraFlex Advanced GIS data collection; Trimble Access field software; Trimble Business Center ...

  6. Begonia

    developing a substantial seed collection of the begonia species that have contributed to the development of ... breeders such as Dr. Cecil Pounders of the USDA-ARS, organizations with special collections such as the ... Fort Worth Botanical Garden, and other individuals. Selected examples of our Begonia collection are ...

  7. Assessment

    collected data and information to form decisions. These decisions benefit our programs by providing ... will assess student learning, outline the data collection tools and approaches that will be used, and ... collected data from indirect assessment methods and direct performance indicators. Use of Student Learning ...

  8. Trimble opens Technology Labs to advance agriculture and construction talent

    TerraFlex™ Advanced GIS data collection; Trimble Access™ field software; Trimble Business Center ...

  9. Coreopsis

    colors. Our efforts concentrate on developing a comprehensive collection of Coreopsis species that may ... provide useful traits to breeders. We are actively collecting species in the wild and then characterizing ... species in our collection: Coreopsis bigelovii   Coreopsis delphiniifolia   Coreopsis gladiata Coreopsis ...

  10. Dr. Hanping Wang's book "Sex Control in Aquaculture", has won an award of best Aquaculture books of all time

    2020. BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this ...
