
Search results

  1. Welcome, Dr. Yu Ma!

    Karcher,  summed up our collective excitement best: “Dr. Ma has an impressive record of high-impact ...

  2. Colostrum Is Important To Newborn Goats

    colostrum from other does from your herd that will work also. If you collect colostrum from the mother, it ...

  3. Focus On Gratitude With "Gather Your Gratitude" Challenge

    grateful for.” Sometimes we overlook the good things in life because we’re always searching for something ...

  4. Forage Is Important To Overall Livestock Health

    livestock.  Previously, we talked about how to collect a forage sample and how to read your forage test ...

  5. 2023 Wayne County Junior Fair Auction Another Record-Breaker

    staff has unpacked and have collected the 4-H/FFA exhibitors’ “Thank You” cards for the buyers of their ...

  6. Post-Harvest Sanitation Steps To Help Prevent Diseases, Insects From Overwintering

    reinfection next year. It is important to collect all diseased fruit and plant material and have them either ...

  7. Student Spotlight: Cullen Dixon

    video: Step 1: Beetle Collection Experimental prep begins the day before by placing traps around Waterman ... to collect the Japanese Beetles. Around 4-5pm he collects the Japanese Beetles traps set around ... collected beetles are then brought back to the Howlett Greenhouse to spend the night in a "Bugdorm" with ...

  8. Begonia

    developing a substantial seed collection of the begonia species that have contributed to the development of ... breeders such as Dr. Cecil Pounders of the USDA-ARS, organizations with special collections such as the ... Fort Worth Botanical Garden, and other individuals. Selected examples of our Begonia collection are ...

  9. OSU Extension Can Help With Harvest Sample Testing

    process, but you should be systematic with your sample collection. You only need to have a few basic tools. ...

  10. Jonah VanRoekel

    integration in the Maumee River watershed. A large portion of my time will be dedicated to the collection of ...
