
Search results

  1. Time Management Tips That Lead To Productivity

    is never ending?  In searching for some resources to help as our work environment has changed, ...

  2. Insect Adventures 1

    Make your own collection of 30 insects! Visit Project Central to take a closer look at this book, find ... collecting insects? A pan trap is useful for catching flying insects usually attracted to brightly colored ... flowers. Video: How to Make a Pitfall Trap  Are you collecting insects? A pitfall trap is useful for ...

  3. Show your love for Ohio 4-H with a custom license plate

    online. A portion of the annual plate fees collected from sold and renewed plates is given directly to ...

  4. 4-H Horse Publications & Resources

    Guide- by American Youth Horse Council, The Equine Collection- Dept AYHC, 1 Gainer Rd, McDonald, NM ...

  5. Principal Investigator Status for Extension Professionals

    team. You can access the course via the following steps: Log in to Search ...

  6. Livestock Projects

    State Fair Junior Market Beef show. The DNA collection will be in the form of a hair  follicle sample ... postmarked by that day!!!  No DNA samples will be collected by the Adams County Junior Fair Board. The owner ... will be responsible for collecting the DNA sample (instructions provided), completing the requested ...

  7. Solar Eclipse Shadow Play

    a two-dimensional drawing of the sun. The sun is not a single, point-like light source. Instead, it is a collection ... showing the light cast by only two of the collection of individual light sources. In Figure 1, you can see ...

  8. Small Moon, Big Sun 1

    and the solar system. Explain that the solar system is a collection of objects which rotates around ...

  9. Past Students

    within the horticulture industry… Peter Zale PhD “Germplasm Collection, Characterization, and Enhancement ... and Collections at Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania   Lynette Higginbotham OPGC ...

  10. Project Central

    ❹... ❶ Use three different options to  SEARCH  for projects and resources. ❷ FIND  what you are looking ...
