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  1. Homecoming Programming Day Tours

    as rainwater collection and greywater reuse systems. The group then traveled to the new CFAES Library ...

  2. Dr. Chanhee Lee uses Animal Science to Lessen Farming Environmental Impacts

    manure management as well. The team collects manure from ruminant animals to examine gas emissions to ...

  3. Events Calendar

    Columbus, Ohio Dale Gnidovec, Collections Manager and Curator of Ohio State’s Orton Geological Museum, will ...

  4. Events Calendar

    University Alumni Association invites you to experience the living collection of rare tropical plants at the  ...

  5. Summer Experience in Equine Management

    proficient at stallion handling, semen collection, and processing as well as broodmare management. Students ...

  6. Nagendra Subedi

    Resistance of a worldwide collection of resistant tomato, eggplant and pepper lines to South Asian strains of ...

  7. Bamboo Garden

    plants that deserve to be planted more widely in our gardens. As this collection demonstrates, bamboos ... reach its final height. This also means many of the larger bamboos in our collection have not yet ...

  8. 2010 Semnars

    student (Dr. McSpadden Gardener) The search for new mechanisms: linking genes and metabolites to phenotype ... Pathology, PhD student (Dr. Qu) Searching for an RNA silencing suppressor encoded by Bean pod mottle virus in ...

  9. Webinar: Overcoming Bias in the Job Search

    Ageism, sexism, racism — so many "isms" can affect our professional lives. In this webinar, we’ll cover strategies to help mitigate those potential factors so that employers can see and appreciate the real you. We’ll also talk about the steps to ...

  10. Welcome Dr. Lyda G. Garcia to the Meat Science Faculty

    Central America and Mexico as a food safety team member to collect and process samples for E. coli and ...
