
Search results

  1. Guide Helps Growers Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode

    Management Guide provides detailed information on how to soil sample and the procedure for collecting soil ...

  2. Connecting Food Buyers and Sellers with MarketMaker at Farm Science Review

    of state Web sites that boasts one of the most extensive collections of searchable food ...

  3. Family Fundamentals: Protect yourself from identity fraud (for November 2006)

    for pickup; instead, take it to the post office or an official collection box. In addition, tear or ...

  4. Organization Bringing Technology to Agriculture

    State Extension, and Treasurer Scott Metzger of Metzger Farms. The board proposed dues collection of $10 ...

  5. New Soybean Varieties Show Resistance to Root Rot

    Germplasm Collection in Urbana, Ill. Phytophthora sojae causes soybean root rot and is a major problem in ...

  6. Rain Gardens Beautify, While Protecting the Environment

    a depression or dish in the soil that collects water for plants to use and keeps it from escaping to areas that ...

  7. Be Proactive When it Comes to Soybean Rust

    contaminated by the sample. • Record the collection information (date, exact location of the field and sample ... location within the field, county in which collected, host plant and collector's name and phone ...

  8. Disease-Resistant Genes in Soybean Cultivars Losing Effectiveness Against Root Rot

    search for additional single resistant genes. Researchers recently completed evaluations of 1,015 soybean ...

  9. Cover Crops Can Serve Corn Nitrogen Needs in Continous No-Till

    Search for "cover crops." Look for more information at the Midwest Cover Crops Council web site ...

  10. Nematodes Effective Against Grape Pest

    days. The nematodes then feed on the dead host, reproduce and migrate in search of additional hosts. ...
