
Search results

  1. OSUE SWRD Candidate Amy Schiebel

    presentation Interaction as a search committee member My personal knowledge of the candidate Other (please ...

  2. Dairy Research Internship

    customer. As a research intern, students will be responsible for coordinating research trials and collecting ... protocols, Collect samples and data from young dairy calves, including (but not limited to) blood, urine, ...

  3. Search for Department of Animal Sciences Chair

    Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Chair of the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University. The Chair, who reports to the Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean of the College of Food, Agricultura ...

  4. Provimi Dairy Research Internship

    customer. As a research intern, you will be responsible for coordinating research trials and collecting data ...

  5. GIS Day 2019

    professionals. Refreshments will be provided. Exhibits/Resource Fair Explore map collections housed in the OSU ...

  6. Pre-Grad Working Student Program

    Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital is searching for students for the hospital (surgery/ ...

  7. Dr. Luis Moraes' Article Selected as "Editor's Choice"

    included in the Editor’s Choice Collection, where it is freely accessible to all. ...

  8. OSUE SWRD Candidate Melinda Morrison

    that apply) The candidate's presentation Interaction as a search committee member My personal ...

  9. OSUE SWRD Candidate Mark Light

    that apply) The candidate's presentation Interaction as a search committee member My personal ...

  10. AFA Leaders Conference

    Do you feel that you are a leader or possess exceptional leadership skills? Are you searching to ...
