
Search results

  1. Cooperating for the greater good

    growers collectively marketing produce have in common with a barista-owned coffee shop? They’re all ...

  2. Keith Smith: 'We are committed to make these positions successful'

    taxation will begin in September, and a search is in process for a field specialist in family wellness. As ...

  3. USDA grant received to explore greenhouse vegetable soilborne disease control

    collected form this study is being used to develop a new soil diagnostic testing service to identify key ...

  4. A Super Time for Super Berries

    search for “super berries,” a few plants will come up.  Some of the uncommon ones could be Aronia ...

  5. Harker receives 2016 Outstanding Staff Awards from the Ohio State University and the OSU College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

    research operations before the problems affect important data collection and he rectifies the problems ... immediately to protect data collection. ...

  6. 2012 Collegiate 4-H North Central Region Conference

    as we collect donations for toiletry and care packages and decorate them for the local women’s ...

  7. Flower Shop and Greenhouse Annual Holiday Sale

    Shop: A special collection of HOLIDAY DESIGNS created by ATI Floral Design and Marketing students, ...

  8. Instruction

    information, a library staff member will be happy to provide individual assistance with searching and finding ...

  9. International Society of Arboriculture Honors Dan Herms

    search for information with a solid foundation in science is important."—Dan Herms "ISA has ... search for information with a solid foundation in science is important. I am proud to be recognized as ...

  10. Letter from the Director

    a result these searches are completed due to the efforts of many of our faculty and staff who contributed ... to these two successful searches. The interviews have been completed for the renewable energy ... the two candidates selected by the search committee for the Turfgrass Management faculty position have ...
