
Search results

  1. Like Good Neighbors, Frogs and Toads Are There

    Titchenell said. “Unless you’re out searching for them, you probably won’t see them. This especially applies ...

  2. Lake States Fire Science Consortium July Webinar

    user interface, they are easy to access using a variety of search criteria, including plant community ...

  3. Pranay Ranjan's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    for this study is collected via organizing stakeholder meeting across 3 different counties in Ohio. ... The data has been collected using pre and post-test survey methodology. Results are more broadly ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series

    of the Same District, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. This seminar will be a collection of stories and ...

  5. Children and Water Quality: Learning, Improving in Ohio and Uganda

    being out collecting water quality data, especially collecting and identifying aquatic invertebrates,” ...

  6. Meet the New Crew

    (ORIP). For her summer project, she will be compiling previously collected data to investigate nitrogen ... using our previously collected data on grain nutrient concentrations to perform his analysis. He will be ...

  7. EPN Breakfast- November 19, 2019

    their own wild game. This collection of diverse opportunities to learn new skills and connect with ...

  8. College Dives Deep Into Issues of Water

    that "the college has the collective expertise needed to be answering questions that are important ...

  9. Fire and Mechanical Treatments for Kirtland’s Warbler Habitat Management in Northern Lower Michigan

    regarding data collection on snags. This experience provided us some hands-on experience with conducting ... hands-on field techniques for collecting forest data. For instance, by seeing the differences between ...

  10. Student-Professional Networking Reception

    Watercraft Specialist, Law Enforcement/Search and Rescue Coordinator, and the Law Enforcement Administrator ... – ODNR, OSU Graduate Eric Reed, Law Enforcement Search and Rescue Coordinator – Division of Watercraft, ...
