
Search results

  1. Dr. Norman F. Johnson (re)joins Entomology Faculty

    the Curator of the C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection in the Museum of Biological Diversity.  Norm ...

  2. Should Customers Fall For Panera's New Gimmick? Food Scientists Weigh In

    Pseudoscience.” Whether or not you chuckle at that viral internet reference (search “Damn Daniel” if you’re ...

  3. International Society of Arboriculture honors Dan Herms

    time to search for information with a solid foundation in science is important."—Dan Herms ... time to search for information with a solid foundation in science is important. I am proud to be ...

  4. Computational Biology Faculty in Food and Nutritional Metabolomics

    Vodovotz, Search Chair,, 2015 Fyffe Court, Parker Food Science Building, Columbus, OH ... 43210. Evaluation by search committee begins January 8, 2016, and continues until a suitable applicant is ...

  5. Ohio State not alone in spending big on research

    State University collected a $483 million parking-lease payment and pledged to dedicate half of its ... newly named Provost Bruce McPheron told trustees during a committee meeting on Thursday. Formal searches ...

  6. Stone Lab to partner with BGSU on STEM-related grant

    cover the new material and begin data collection with their students, with researchers available to ... answer questions. A  Stone Lab Science Field Trip  allows students to test their collection skills in ... "We're trying to educate teachers on how to collect relevant biological data," said Chris Winslow, ...

  7. What's New

    New Popular Collection Items (updated November 2014) New Books and More (updated November 2014) ...

  8. Cooperating for the greater good

    growers collectively marketing produce have in common with a barista-owned coffee shop? They’re all ...

  9. Keith Smith: 'We are committed to make these positions successful'

    taxation will begin in September, and a search is in process for a field specialist in family wellness. As ...

  10. USDA grant received to explore greenhouse vegetable soilborne disease control

    collected form this study is being used to develop a new soil diagnostic testing service to identify key ...
