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  1. Seun Oladipupo

    strategies. Collectively, these efforts aim to produce efficient eco-friendly tools for managing urban insects ...

  2. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: A Summary of the Measurement Method

    the sample and extract a bead of juice from it. A representative collection of the equipment and ... sample collection after pressing sample press or blender wash bottle refractometer delicate task wipe to ... taken in the field. However, it may be easier to collect samples in the field and then take measurements ...

  3. Is It Pine, Spruce, or Fir?

    cone-producing trees that have a conical or pyramidal shape. Collectively, they are called conifers because of ...

  4. Undergraduate

    club, Chrysalis, attracts students from across the university for collecting trips, lessons on ...

  5. Submitting Insect Specimens for Identification

    ( Collecting the Insect Sample Send as many insect specimens as possible. The identification of many ...

  6. Manure to Energy Through Anaerobic Digestion

    the reduction of cost for collection and treatment of waste; and possible greenhouse gas credits for ...

  7. Announcing the 2024 CFAES Alumni Award honorees

    Holdren also volunteered his time by visiting Moldova twice, supporting farmers transition from collective ...

  8. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

    collected, and destroyed. In some areas a weed torch may be used for spotkilling of newly germinated ...

  9. Khanal to lead agricultural technology research and training program in Nepal

    management. In collaboration with other research groups at OSU, her team collects these data from farmers’ ... ways to collect and use data, hopefully, make good decisions, improve nitrogen management practices, ...

  10. Cole Knaus

    such as Bombus affinis but also collecting eDNA samples from various flower species. During his ...
