
Search results

  1. Winter’s Indoor Risk: Carbon Monoxide

    collect and be concentrated.  Install approves carbon monoxide alarms in area where gas powered engines ...

  2. Sustainability of Collection of Marine Species Using Ecosystem Health Assessments

    titled “ Wild Sourced Collection of Marine Fishes for Aquariums: Assessing the Ecosystem Impact and ... begin working with three public aquariums to measure the sustainability of wild collection of marine ... species using ecosystem health assessments of collection sites. The project includes three objectives: 1) ...

  3. Courtesy Appointments in Department of Extension

    departmental meetings, serve on departmental committees, including search committees for regular faculty, and ...

  4. 2022 Fair Information for Families

    Barn.  Exhibitors will collect their pen cards from the youth board members and hang them on the ...

  5. Everybody’s got a story, what’s yours?

    Nothing will be collected. You may choose to write on paper or on a computer.   This workshop will be ...

  6. Onions Identified as Source of Salmonella Outbreak

    a restaurant condiment cup collected from a sick person’s home. The sick person also reported that the cup ... restaurant where the condiment cup was collected. Investigators are working to determine if other onions or ...

  7. Extension Today: Cupboard Cleanout

    hacks to be found online and in cookbooks. If you spend a little time searching for some recipes with ...

  8. Extension Today: Fall Planting

    late-season vegetable crops – so get searching! And don't forget about trees, shrubs, and fall flowers ...

  9. Extension Today: Tomatoes

    programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. Search our list ...

  10. Speakers

    a published author with the launch of her collection of healing spoken word poetry, Grounded. Karen has also ...
