
Search results

  1. Red Arrow Farms Internship

    maintenance and honey collection. Any ideas an intern has to improve operation are welcome and a project of their ...

  2. Proposal Development Resources

    Library's Research Commons EngageOSU: Ohio State Academic Analytics- search the entire scope of the OSU ... Commercialization Office (TCO) Additional Resources Additional resources have been collected on Buckeye Box and are ...

  3. 2012 Collegiate 4-H North Central Region Conference

    as we collect donations for toiletry and care packages and decorate them for the local women’s ...

  4. Coralie Farinas

    Station SERAIL, France 2013 Agro-environmental trainee- Collected and listed Aphids and their natural ...

  5. Dairy Cost of Production

    factor in the search for short and long-term profitability of dairy farms.  The challenge continues to be ...

  6. ATI ranks No. 1 nationally in two-year agriculture degrees

    includes horticulture and power equipment. Community College Week  compiles its lists from data collected ...

  7. Horticulture and Crop Science

    landscape plants with emphasis on herbaceous ornamentals collections in the OSU Chadwick Arboretum and ...

  8. In search of the 2014-15 Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen…

    By: Kristin Reese, Ohio Lamb and Wool Queen Coordinator The search is once again on! Help us round ...

  9. Emile Gluck Thaler

    Service Plant Pathology Graduate Student Representative, Discovery Theme Faculty Search Committee, Plant ...

  10. Corn Silage Harvest Timing

    used to roughly predict the proper time to chop corn silage. How to Sample Fields Collect about ... rows. Collect separate samples from areas that may have different dry down rates, such as swales, ... lying area and drier on knolls), and this should be considered when collecting your sample plants. As ...
