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  1. Sustainable Agriculture

    land, crops, and animals healthy. People are also searching for markets to purchase local fruit, ...

  2. 2016 Animal Welfare Judging Team Competes at The Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest

    Students prepared by collecting and presenting scientific resources, touring industry farms, and practicing ...

  3. Industry Support and Graphic Design Coordinator

    beef bulls to the market Assist with sire sorts, pedigrees, EPD/performance data collection and ...

  4. Educational Videos

    reduces greenhouse gas emissions at the farm. Manure from the free-stall barn is collected using alley ...

  5. Ohio Maple Days

    equipment.  Tubing has made the collection process easier on the maple producer and on the sugarbush due to ...

  6. Ohio Maple Days

    collection process easier on the maple producer and on the sugarbush due to less time spent in the woods with ...

  7. Ohio Maple Days

    than any other piece of equipment.  Tubing has made the collection process easier on the maple producer ...

  8. John Peter Minton Memorial Rose Garden

    80 percent of our roses, including many from the Easy Elegance® collection.   ...

  9. Gypsy Moth 'Mating Disruption' Treatments to Begin in Eastern and Central Ohio

    product has a serious intent: it confuses male gypsy moths amid their search for females. Gypsy moths can ...

  10. Recycle those Pastic Pots and more at the Community Recycling Event

    and accepting horticultural plastics such as pots, cell packs, and trays. We’ll also be collecting ...
